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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOXNEWS  February 2, 2013 4:00pm-6:00pm EST

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that's our show. thanks for watching. see you next week. the replay screen for no more than 60 seconds a limit on the search. that works. clear and simple rules than the rest get out of the way hello. i'm hell they are childers. welcome to america's news headquarters. >> i'm greg greg jarrett. there are new claims of a responsibility for a terrorist attack on the u.s. embassy in turkey. we know about the group and how they fit into the wider global terror network. >> the white house on defense over defense secretary nominee chuck hagel's explosive and contentious senate hearing. what are the chances that he'll get confirmed. the dow closing above 14,000 for the very first time in years. will it continue? that's the big question.
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but up first some brand new developments this out of alabama. that's where a 5-year-old boy remains hostage in an underground bunker. at this hour authorities sent a special message to the man holding him there, jimmy lee dykes. the standoff began five days ago when police say dykes kidnapped the boy from his school bus after shooting the driver. jonathan serrie is live at the scene in midland city, alabama. what's the latest? >> reporter: no resolution as the hostage standoff goes into a fifth afternoon. however, authorities say they are in constant communication with 65-year-old jimmy lee dykes communicating through the pvc pipe that provides ventilation from the surface to his underground bunker. authorities say they have no reason to believe that any physical harm has come to the 5-year-old hostage. listen. >> mr. dykes, through our communications we've been able to -- he's told us that he's got
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an electric heater and some blankets inside and he's taking care of him. he's also allowed us to provide coloring books medication toys. >> reporter: and the sheriff goes on to say i want to thank him for taking care of our child, that is very important. the 5-year-old boy was abducted from this school bus that you're looking at in this video tuesday afternoon. that's when the abduction occurred. witnesses say a gunman came on board the bus demanding hodges and shot the driver when the school bus driver tried to confront the gunman. charles poland jr. that school bus driver died from those gunshot wounds. a funeral service is scheduled for 2 p.m. sunday at the ozark civic center the large venue needed to accommodate what is expected to be a very large crowd. friends say mr. poland was well loved not only by his student passengers but also his fellow school bus drivers and heather those school bus drivers plan to
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drive a caravan of school buses to the funeral to honor their fallen co-worker. back to you. >> mr. poland certainly a hero. thank you jonathan. we appreciate it. and another fox news alert. turnish police now confirming that a new york city woman missing has been found dead in turkey. 33-year-old woman was reportedly missing nearly two weeks ago while vacationing there. her family said she failed to check in for a flight home to the u.s. today police say her body was found in istanbul. nine people have been taken into custody for questioning in connection with her death. well, new details now on the terror attack on the u.s. embassy in turkey yesterday. a left-wing turnish terror group is taking responsibility and investigators say they've
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confirmed the identity of the homicide bomber using dna. the attacker was strapped with enough tnt apparently to blow up a two-story building and had reportedly spent several years in jail on terror charges. he was released earlier because he was diagnosed with a terminal illness. the explosion killed a turkish security guard and injured three others including a turkish journalist. reporters without borders said they was on her way to have tea with the u.s. ambassador to turkey. >> this comes days after the u.s. congressman visited the embassy. all three congressmen were in curty to talkturkey to talk about missile defense issues in syria. congressman whitman said, quote this event underscores the importance to be vigilant at u.s. and nato and conduct operations on the turkey syria
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border and calls into question again how to best ensure the safety of u.s. embassy personnel. later this hour we'll talk to peter brooks, former deputy assistant secretary of defense for his take on the latest attack on u.s. interests in that region. well, rebels reportedly capturing a key area in war-torn syria. activists say that opposition fighters now have control of a strategic neighborhood in a northern city, and that's near the international airport. putting rebels in control of a road that regime forces loyal to president assad had used as a supply route. rebels and government troops have been locked in a deadly stale mate in the area since last summer. in egypt now the country's prime minister is warning that chaos is threatening the nation's ailing economy. street violence there and political unrest engulfing egypt for more than a week. all of this coming a day after
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angry mobs hurled fire bombs at the presidential palace in cairo. egypt's foreign currency reserves have been cut in half now by more than since 2011 uprising that ousted the president, hosni mubarak and the value of currency has plummeted there. big developments on the u.s. policy in iran. vice-president joe biden underscoring u.s. willingness to talk 1-on-1 with tehran over its nuclear program, but only if the regime is serious about coming to the table. >> there's still time. there's still space for diplomacy backed by pressure to succeed. the ball is in the government of iran's court and it's well past time forte ran to for tehran to adopt
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a good faith approach to negotiations. >> molly henneberg is live from washington. holly? >> reporter: hi gregg. it takes two to have bilateral talks, and vice-president biden said the u.s. is trying to get iran to the table if iranian leaders are quote, serious about discussions on that nation's controversial nuclear program. previous discussions between iran and the five permanent members of the u.n. security council have not done much to stem iran's nuclear development. vice-president biden in munich, germany today for a security conference did not give a time frame for talks with iran but said this is when it will happen. >> when the iranian leadership, the extreme supreme leader is serious, we made it clear at the outset that we would not -- we would be prepared to meet bilaterally with the iranian leadership. >> reporter: iran recently announced it will add new machines to speed up its ability to enrich uranium.
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president ahmadinejad said the program is for peaceful civilian purposes but the u.s. and other nations believe iran is trying to build a nuclear weapons arsenal. as for talks with the u.s. one military analyst said iran has not shown any true interest in coming to the table. >> they haven't been in the previous four years the obama administration the previous eight years of the bush administration and the previous eight years of clinton administration. i can continue to go back, so i do not think they he are serious about negotiating. it just gives them more time. >> reporter: the general says the u.s. along with other nations should use covert operations to thwart iran's nuclear development. gregg? >> molly henneberg. thanks. the white house says it expects the senate to confirm president obama's nominee for defense secretary. white house press secretary jay carney defending former republican senator chuck hagel saying that he will be an excellent pentagon chief.
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now, this comes after a fiery confirmation hearing with members of the senate armed services committee. he faced some tough questions including this one from senator james imhoff. >> why do you think the rainan foreign ministry strongly supports your nomination to be the secretary of defense? >> i have a difficult enough time with american politics senator. i have no idea, but thank you. >> senators could vote as early as this week. washington times columnist charlie hurt joins us to weigh in on whether we can expect senator hagel to be cob confirmed as defense secretary. the reverend jesse jackson is leading a march today in honor of a chicago teenager killed this week. the 15-year-old high school band member gunned down days after attending the president's inauguration. just the latest victim in a city where there are 515 murders last
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year alone. more than 100 shooting incidents have occurred since january 1. reverend jackson called on president obama to come to his home town of chicago to address this issue. reverend jackson will be a guest, by the way, on "america's news headquarters" tomorrow morning at 11:30 a.m. eastern time. well a convicted killer who was mistakenly released from a chicago jail is now back in police custody. stephen robins was serving a 60-year prison term for murder in indiana, but he was mistakenly brought to chicago to stand trial for a separate crime that had already been dismissed. the mixup led authorities to release him and the public was not notified that he was on the loose by the way for nearly 24 hours. authorities realized their mistake and tracked him down last night about 60 miles outside of chicago. he was rearrested without incident. it is that time of year, a
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blast of arctic air gripping the upper portion of the country today. look at the map. the northeast can expect a quick shot of snow, but notwithstanding, the mercury says spring is coming early if you believe the groundhog. punxsutawney phil has made his prediction. the famous furry weather rodent -- he really is kind of a rodent. he's expecting an early spring because he did not see his shadow this morning. >> we like punxsutawney for that prediction. we love punxsutawney phil rodent or not. >> he's just a rodent. they yanked him out of there. have you looked at what they do to him? they yank him out. poor phil. he's like what? what? >> he's kind of cute. what are they doing to me? >> he's a row rodent. you're familiar with
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california, considering cracking down on a dangerous and costly prank. it's called celebrity swatting. it's when fake emergency calls are made to police reporting phony emergencies inside the homes of celebrities. but here's the thing. it's costing taxpayers big money. we're joined live from los angeles with more on this. hi domonic. >> hey there heather. these calls are made from young kids by skype making it appear the calls are coming from the celebrities' home. half a dozen celebrities have been targeted. the authorities say it's a massive waste of public safety resources so now a california state senator is pushing a bill that would see anyone convicted for swatting pay a heavy price. >> i would like perpetratorrors of swatting to know this is not a game. if you do it and you get caught, you will get mandatory jail time time and you will be held responsible for the entire cost of your fake incident.
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>> reporter: when police launched their operation here are scenes of ashton ashton kutcher's house in october. they're fear someone could get hurt in the confusion of massive cops turning up and private security who are often armed. >> if somebody gets hurt because of one of these the individuals involved will be prosecuted by the proxy laws for those injuries you know. if somebody god forbid would die, you know, we would attempt to attach manslaughter charges. >> reporter: that could mean up to three years for those convicted. the problem is that sometimes these swatters aren't even based in the united states or they're very young, and in the justin bieber case, for example, the suspect was just 12 years old heather. back to you. >> they should have to pay for it if they do it, though. thank you very much. police in turkey say nine people are being questioned now in the murder of an american woman. she disappeared while
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vacationing there earlier this month. new details coming in and we have a live report. and just before the biggest game of his life, baltimore ravens star ray lewis gregg accused of using banned substances. >> really? i'm so shocked. i'm stunned. >> what does this mean for him as he prepares to play for the super bowl. the u.s. senate is getting ready to vote on president obama's nominee to be america's next defense secretary after a very heated confirmation hearing. what are chuck hagel's chances of getting the job actually done? >> were you correct or incorrect, yes or no? >> my reference to the -- >> are you going to answer the question senator hagel? the question is were you right or wrong? [ male announcer ] this is anna, her long day teaching the perfect swing begins with back pain and a choice. take advil, and maybe have to take up to four in a day. or take aleve, which can relieve pain all day with just two pills.
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>> heather: welcome back. time for a quick check of the headlines. right now texas police are searching for a masked gunman who killed an assistant district attorney. investigators are poring through files of his cases trying to identify a possible suspect. five gang rape suspects in india are pleading not guilty. they he could face the death penalty if they're convicted in a brutal incident that shocked the nation and raised international attention.
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and russians remember the bloody battle of stalingrad it's been 70 years since the nazis surrendered. more than a million people were killed in the fighting in world war ii. >> gregg: the senate armed services committee could vote on president obama's nominee for defense secretary as early as this week. the white house defending the president's choice of former republican senator chuck hagel facing fierce attacks from members of his own party. during hagel's confirmation hearing, one of the most heated exchanges came from senator john mccain. >> will you please answer the question? willwere you correct or incorrect when you said that the surge would be the most dangerous foreign policy blunder in this country since vietnam? were you correct or incorrect? yes or no? >> my reference to -- >> are you going to answer the question senator hagel? the question is were you right
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or wrong? that's a pretty straight forward question. >> well -- >> i would like to hear whether you're right or wrong and then you're free to elaborate. >> well, i'm not going to give you a yes or no answer. >> well, let the record show that you refused to answer that question. >> gregg: of course, john mccain was the champion of the surge. what are hagel's chances of winning confirmation? let's bring in the washington time's columnist charlie hurt. it's the good old boys club in the u.s. senate. he's going to get confirmed, right? >> yeah. i think that that hearing will go down as one of the worst in television history. i mean, he was unprepared. he didn't know what he was talking about. he state wrong policy at times and then when he did assert things he asitterred things that were pretty scary such as talking about how legitimate iran's government is. as you point out, it is a club
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and chuck hagel was once a member of the club, and as much as -- >> gregg: he wasn't a beloved member. i will say that much. a lot of people didn't like chuck hagel and he reminds a lot of folks of pig pen you know, in the peanuts cartoon, you know with the swirling cloud behind him of dirt and so on and so forth. here is a sound bite. let me play this. >> my policy has always been the same as the president's, one of prevention not of containment. by the way i've just been handed a note that i misspoke and said i supported the president's position on containment. if i said that it meant to say that obviously his position on containment, we don't have a position on containment. >> gregg: charlie, is that the equivalent of i have no idea what i'm talking about? [ laughter ] >> i mean, it was comical except that it is also very terrifying
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because, you know, a lot of people think that the administration's policy is containment, that in other words, we're totally fine with iran getting a nuclear bomb. we just want to contain them and not let them use it anywhere. well that's a stark, stark difference from what even democrats on the armed services committee belief believe which is we must prevent them from getting a bomb in the first place because you can't trust them. for him to screw that up so royally on such an integral point. >> gregg: you're putting it kindly screwing up. it was laughable. i would play a sound bite, speaking of laughable of jay carney but that's too easy an it would be a cheap shot because it's jay carney. here's more of the nominee. take a listen. >> well, you were after the sequestration bill had passed.
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>> not sequestration. the budget control act. >> but that's what included -- they were talking here about what would happen if you took these cuts. >> that's what i was talking about. >> gregg: he apparently has no idea what he's about to face with sequestration and cutting you know, the budget. >> it's not like he's being grilled here by chris wallace. we're talking about u.s. senators in this club, in this clubby chamber where they all just kind of want to get along. heck you know he's a member of the republican party being nominated by a democratic president. you would think this would be a total cake walk, but no. he managed to really mess it all up. i think even the white house acknowledged that some of his answers were incomprehensible and that the hearing with a something of a disaster. >> gregg: well, he screwed the pooch no question about that. is the white house now embarrassed? >> i don't know if they're embarrassed.
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they have a remarkable ability not to be embarrassed and so i think that they're going to stick with it and not, you know, not change course but certainly i think they are aware of what a disaster that whole hearing was. >> gregg: well said. there's a very low threshold of embarrassment at the white house. all right charlie hurt. good to see you charlie. >> thanks, gregg. >> heather: coming up the obama administration reacting quickly to the deadly terror attack at the u.s. embassy in turkey. we will take a look at how the fallout from the terror attack in libya may be shaping their response. >> gregg: and the dow closing over 14,000 for the very first time in years but the unemployment rate ticked up last month. we are digging deeper to find out what's behind the disconnect. this happy couple used capital one
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>> heather: welcome back. it's the bottom of the hour. that means it's time for the top of the news, and a hostage standoff in alabama now in it's fifth day. that is where a man is holding a 5-year-old boy hostage in an underground bunker. police are using a ventilation pipe to communicate with the suspect and they're urging the man to surrender. new details on the suspect behind yesterday's terror attack on the u.s. embassy in turkey. dna testing proving or providing at least, the homicide bomber was a member of a radical left-wing group, that group claiming responsibility, calling the attack a self-sacrifice. >> heather: and vice-president biden said the u.s. is prepared to hold direct nuclear talks with iran but only if leaders in tehran are quote serious. >> gregg: a very sad ending to
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an international search for a new york city mother missing in turkey. police now saying they have found the body of sarai sierra in istanbul. molly lyon is live with more on this. hi molly. >> reporter: hi gregg. the mother was found dead after traveling to turkey for a solo vacation. she was stabbed to death according to turkish police. her driver's license was found near or body and that helped to speed identification for authorities. it's unclear if the nine people that have been taken into custody are witnesses or suspects in sierra's death. turkish reports say her body was found in a low income area of the city near an ancient wall. her husband and brother had traveled to istanbul to aid in the search which has now come to an end. sierra has been missing since january 21st, the day she was due to fly home. authorities have scoured surveillance video, trying to track her final steps and turkish media report she had
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made contact with a man in turkey via the internet identified only as talon and wanted to meet up with him before heading home. the report says she planned to rendevouz with this stranger at an historic bridge that she wanted to photograph near the time she vanished. authorities spoke with the man who was questioned and released. some reports also say he was interviewed several times in the days following her disappearance. sierra made some side trips during her two weeks abroad of she planned to travel with a friend but the friend cancelled at the last minute. the trip was meant to be a once in a lifetime adventure. gregg? >> >> gregg: molly thank very much. >> heather: february getting off to a fast start in the stock market. the dow jones industrial average closed over 14,000 yesterday. that's the first time since 2007. but the surge was on less
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encouraging news on an economy that is so very 1ru8 vulnerable. joining us now is a fox news contributor. thanks for joining us, gary. >> my pleasure, thank you. >> begin by explaining to all of us what led to the surge what happened? >> the you surge has been going on for a good couple of years now with intermittent corrections and i think it more has to do with the fed printing a lot of money. we're talking about a trillion dollars. you also have europe and you also have japan and other countries doing the same. that is lick which phying markets and it's going right into the market. i think the problem going forward, look, i think emotion you know, will lift markets higher. there's disconnect with the numbers on the economy 7.9% unemployment is not a very good number. i think eventually moment is on the upswing.
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>> heather: take a look at the january unemployment report. it was just released yesterday. 157,000 jobs created but not enough to keep the unemployment rate steady as you mentioned. it ticked up 7.9% from 7.8 last month, so why are we seeing this disconnect? >> it's sometimes markets are aboutabout emotions. once a market gets moving a certain way, you know it does feed on itself. you have to realize something. the fed, ben bernanke is printing $3 billion a day right now which is going into markets not just the stock market but the bond market also so you add this all together, and you get some movement there but eventually markets based on valuation and is based on earnings of companies. if the economy doesn't get better earnings aren't going to get better and eventually the market will hit a wall. but again i do think right now there's more to go. frankly i hope it continues. you never know if you get
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another bubble. >> heather: can you continue to print that amount of money with an economy that can't support it an how long will the bull market last? >> well first off he can do it as long as he wants. for whatever reason, ben bernanke ended up with no bosses, no accountability, and in my wildest dreams i would have never thought this guy would be printing this amount of money and have rates at zero percent, but as far as how long, you know, a bull market lasts you never know. what i'm hoping for think about this. the market's done nothing for 13 years now. we're just back to where we were in 2000 and typically these big secular bear markets that last a very long time, once you break out to the upside, the new bull market could last for a long time akin to something that happened in 1982. from 1966 to '82 the market did nothing. then we lifted off from 82 to 2000. i'm hoping we get something like that. frankly, you just never know. >> heather: we were showing a graphic of the movement of the dow since 2007. finally what happens when
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congress, and we've got to throw them into this, when he they finally tackle the budget and the debt ceiling battles? will all of these numbers go out the window? >> well i think the biggest problem this country has is debt. eventually debt has to be paid back and the problem is we are adding three billion a day to the deficit, and i'm just worried that one day we're going to wake up and the market's eyes are going to open up and say wait a minute, look at all these debt and start hitting the wrong way. but look. so far so good. for whatever reason the market likes what it sees, and i never argue with the market. it's kind of stupid to do that. i think you would be run over by a train if you bet against it right now. >> heather: gary kaltbaum joining us. thank you so much. we appreciate your insight as always. >> my pleasure. thank you. >> gregg: so he gave us the barney cam. remember that, and he was by president bush's side throughout his eight years in the white house. what the former president is now
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saying about his beloved scottish terrier. yeah the barney cam. >> heather: hours before the big game, gregg, new developments and allegations involving nfl player ray lewis. >> gregg: really? i'm so stunned. i'm surprised about this. >> heather: he's speaking out about this. >> gregg: he is? he's talking now? he wasn't really talking before. i'm stunned. >> heather: we'll hear what he has to say. >> i wouldn't give him the credit to even mention his name or his antics in my speeches or in my moments. i can't do it, so i won't even speak about it. twins. i didn't see them coming. i have obligations. cute obligations, but obligations. i need to rethink the core of my portfolio. what i really need is sleep. introducing the ishares core building blocks for the heart of your portfolio. find out why 9 out of 10 large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs. ishares by blackrock.
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>> heather: sad news about a dog we came to know in the white house. barney, the beloved scottish terrier of former president george w. bush, has died. the president said the 12 and a half-year-old pet had cancer. the former president made the
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announcement on facebook saying that barney greeted queens, heads of state, and prime ministers and was always polite and never jumped in their laps. this is an oil painting, i believe right there that president bush did of barney, a hobby that mr. bush took up after leaving the white house. >> he's a very good painter. >> heather: that's very good. >> gregg: it's excellent. >> heather: poor barney. >> gregg: baltimore ravens linebacker ray lewis no stranger to controversy but now one day before he plays in his final super bowl, the man who is accused lewis of using an nfl banned substance admits he made the whole thing up. mitch roth is his name. he accused lewis of a using a supplement for muscle growth. now he's apologizing to the ravens linebacker. here's what he had to say. >> i've been in the business 17 years and nobody has ever got up
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with me every morning and trained with me. every test i've ever took in the nfl, there's never been a question if i've ever even thought about using anything, so to even entertain stupidity like that tell him to go try to get a story off somebody else. >> heather: let's bring in trial attorney rachel self and a sports caster and newscaster jim gray. jim, this has been totally bizarre all week long. i know you've been following it. what do you make of this? >> well, it's just a shame that somebody would try and piggy back and put out a story like this based on rumor innuendo and total false hoods which this appears to be. this man now is apologizing and so forth and we get into the silly season in between these two weeks before the super bowl, and everybody's trying to come up with story and now we have people invents stories. ray lewis has enough baggage to try and have something like this attached to him, i really just find despicable. >> gregg: jim, let me stick with you for the moment. the commissioner has really been
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a big backer of ray lewis, you know, and his ethical comeback, so this is the kind of thing that really kind of hurts, doesn't it? >> well yeah. there are an awful lot of people who are still very antagonized, upset don't like to see all the camera and all the attention that ray lewis gets. certainly he's a fabulous football player and he's certainly has ignited the city of baltimore and his teammates in many ways by many who know him by all accounts and he's done an awful lot of good work since that night in atlanta. there are a ton of people who are very upset that he's never come clean with the story in atlanta, that he was convicted of obstruction of justice and really his suit that night has never been found and destroyed and the other two people who he was with walked away from a double murder. people are upset and want answers, and he hasn't given them. >> gregg: let me correct a bit of the introduction copy.
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mitch ross is saying he did not see ray lewis take the drugs. look, rachel, you're a lawyer. where does the law fall into this thing? >> well, deer antler velvet fairy dust. with the law you need evidence. in this particular case the toughest thing is going to be proving it. i think that potentially there could be a slander lawsuit against mitch ross. there could potentially be a libel lawsuit against sports illustrated if its found out they didn't fact check check correctly. when you're dealing with a public figure, you need to show a blatant disregard for the truth malice in your publication. in this particular instance, it will be hard to get teeth in this lawsuit even if ray lewis wants to file one whether it's against sports sports or against ross because you need to show there was malice disregard for the truth. there's a bit of gray area with regard to what the actual bottom line is here. ray lewis is saying he never took it.
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mitch ross is saying he never told sports illustrated is saying he did take it. i don't know. i think this whole thing is a lot of fairy dust and not a lot of evidence. it's just bizarre. >> gregg: you know, jim look. in the aftermath of the you know cycling drug stories involved a lot of people including you know, the sports figures, you know, in football what do you make of this? >> well i think the credibility because of lance armstrong but the credibility of ray lewis is still subject to question because of the conviction and because of what happened. that's why he became susceptible to something like this. now, in this instance it appears that everything that he is saying, at least by everything that we know and we don't really know because how will we ever know? its not tested for this specific thing, in the national football league. the national football league
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loses jurisdiction over ray lewis after sunday. he's announced he's retiring so the story will go away. if anything ever was to come of it, there's nothing really anybody could do. you get back to credibility. everybody now is under a microscope. you don't know what to believe who to believe and how to believe it but i believe in this instance just based on everything that we've seen up to date and been told that ray lewis is a victim. >> gregg: yeah. it takes away from the event, rachel. >> yeah. >> gregg: it's sort of a sad commentary. >> well, absolutely. it takes away from the event and it also takes away from the entire idea behind sports, and everyone is supposed to be enjoying it. you have all this falsehood going on with everything, and nobody trusts anything any more. that's sad. >> gregg: jim gray, rachel self, thank you for being with us today. >> thank you. >> good to see you. thanks, gregg. >> heather: still to come new details on the terror attack on the u.s. embassy in turkey, and coming up we'll talk about what
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washington needs to do to stop this wave of attacks on u.s. diplomats overseas. >> he was wearing a suicide vest. he exploded at the guard who was there. his side of the security barrier was killed but two who were in that same building but on the other side of the glass survived. i you're suffering from constipation, miralax or metamucil may take days to work. for faster relief, try dulcolac laxative tablets. dulcolac provides gentle relief overnight unlike miralax and metamucil that can take up to 3 days.
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>> heather: welcome back. the white house reacting to the deadly terror attack on the u.s. embassy in turkey yesterday. a homicide bomber blew up the visitors' gate killing himself and a security guard. now, you may remember the president, he was criticized by some for his response to the september 11th consulate attack in libya, but now the white house quickly and clearly labeling this latest incident. >> a suicide bombing on the perimeter of an embassy is by definition an act of terror. it is a terrorist attack. however we do not know at this point who is responsible or the motivations behind the attack. the attack itself is clearly an act of terror. >> heather: sounds a little different, doesn't it?
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we have a senior fellow for national security affairs at the heritage foundation and a former assistant secretary of defense. thank you for joining us. >> good to be here. >> heather: let's begin with that. what is your opinion of the white house's response? they were very quick to call the attack by definition an act of terror. compare that, of course, to their response to benghazi. lesson learned? >> yeah. absolutely. i mean, both are tragic events. i do have to kind of laugh a little bit at the differences between the two responses initial responses. i mean, if you ran those side by side what a stark contrast in how they laid this out for the american people and i think the administration was rightfully criticized for how they handled benghazi. they bungled it. they could have said the same thing about benghazi. it was a terror attack. we're not sure motivations or exactly who did it but it was a terror attack. of course, you have to remember the time heather. remember that was back during the election season so i think
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that is one of the reasons for the distinct contrast between benghazi and ankara. >> heather: in fact they bent over backwards some would say, to not call it a terrorist attack. >> absolutely. >> heather: moving to the latest incident what do we know about the revolutionary people's liberation army front the group that has claimed responsibility for the attack? >> well, in a certain way they're obviously deadly but i mean, in a certain way they're a throwback to the 1970s and 1980s to the cold war. they're a marxist, leninist terror group. they're anti-american they're anti-turk, anti-nato, but they're still very, very dangerous as we know from what happened the other day, and they clearly have the united states in the crosshairs. >> heather: and how did they fit in this particular group, with the terror puzzle in the immediate and wider regional map if you take it out a little further? how do they relate?
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>> well, you have to be very concerned. the middle east is a very tough neighborhood right now and turkey is a unique country that kind of bridges between europe and the middle east, and obviously syria is on its borders. it's not quite clear, we don't have all the motivations yet so we're just speculating, but this could have something to do with what is going on in syria right next door to turkey. like i said, we don't have all the motivations for this group in terms of this attack but it's possible it is related to american troops being there with their missile batteries to defend turkey and a nato ally, against aggression by syria. not quite clear at this point but obviously something the intelligence community, the policy community needs to be looking at very closely considering attacks in benghazi and another attack now in ankara. >> heather: and turkey has been one of the you know leading advocates, you could say for foreign intervention into the civil war in syria. >> that's right.
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this sort of group wants to destabilize turkey, they want to act against the united states, they want to act against nato in that part of the world and it's not quite clear. it could have something specifically to do with the desire of the turkish government to overthrow assad but at this point we don't have exactly that, so we can't connect those dots. >> heather: right. >> it's something we need to look at. >> heather: peter, something else quickly as we wrap up. the attack in turkey comes three days after three u.s. congressmen visited the embassy the second attack on a u.s. embassy in four months. what do we need to do to stop the wave of attacks and how can we track down and bring who justice those responsible? first of all, our first line of defense is intelligence. you would have liked to have gotten this individual when he was putting on this suicide or homicide vest. that's critically important. we should that i remember what we know with the turks so they can limit the threat. physical security is critically important. in some ways we were successful
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fromsuccessfulin preventing this individual from getting inside the compound. you can't become complacent. we live in a very dangerous world. that's as dangerous as any of these groups. >> heather: thank you, peter brookes for joining us. >> gregg: the jury is still out on benghazi. >> heather: exactly. >> gregg: 9ers, ravens? >> heather: 9ers. >> gregg: really.? i could have sworn for the ravens. >> heather: the carolina panthers, but they're not playing. who are you picking? >> gregg: 9ers. >> heather: so we all agree. >> gregg: see you tomorrow. morning starts in high spirits but there's a growing pain in his lower back. as lin grow longer his pain continues to linger. but after a long day of helping others, he gets some helpful advice. just two aleve have the strength to keep back pain away all day.
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>> i'm eric bolling along with kimberly guilfoyle and b the others teat 5:00 o'clock in new york city and guess what? this is "the five". >> so you getting ready for they big game? i know i am. i'm stoked to watch the 9ers beat up on the ravens so bob has to wear a belly shirt around the building.ui the game i'm really looking l forward to gets underway before super bowl xlvii the slow pitch softball practice that's airing on cbs at 4:30 on sunday. scott c pelley is set to put his journalistic credit on the line when he interviews president obama. if i p the interview last week is any indication, we're more likely to see a lead in to the puppy bowl rather than the super
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bowl. >> how would you t characterize your relationship right now? what do you think the biggest success has been, foreign policyee success of the first term? has she had much influence? i spent time with both of you in the 2008 campaign. that was a very tough bitter race and i'm going to spare you reading some of the things you said about each other during that campaign. [ laughter ] a but how long did it take you to get over that? >> so what questions will pelley ask the president and whatn questions should he ask the president? will it be, mr. president what's your favorite salty snack or will it be, mr. president, 7.9%d unemployment and record number of people on food stamps. how are you going to fix that? b will it be mr. president gas prices fromce baltimore to san francisco are ripping a hole through my wallet. what you going to do? let's bring it around the table.
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ladies first. bob? i'm kidding! >> i think we should ask him aboutmb obamacare and why he'ss going to penalize a family of four making more than 96,000 and charge them another 20,000 for obamacare. when you see thesege new irs regulations, i mean, they're really crippling, especially on the middle class and families that are trying to make ends meet and i think they also are a penalty when you really look at it. >> i would ask him if he agrees with secretary of state or former now clinton's assessment that we are int a global war against radical islamic jihaddist and get him to acknowledge it and say the words and then i would ask him about what she said today. she took a smack at anyone who criticized her so i assume ay. lot of us sitting around this table and she said that anyoneha who criticized her does not lives in an evidence-based world and we have ase refusal to, quote accept the facts and were unfortunate and regrettable. i would askab him about that.
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>> how about you, mr. robert beckel? >> first of all this is for the super bowl, i'm not sure these kind of questions are the kind of things people want to hear out there. i know we're going to talk about this. by theno w way i ain't wearing no belly shirt. >> thank god. >> i didn't agree. >> you stiffed me i'm giving you 7 points. >> that's your fault. it's too bad you didn't follow the line. that's not my problem. no belly shirt. >> you have 5 1/2. >> i think i would go back and ask him the question about his son he would want him to play football. >> that's a good question. >> they can get into the headss trauma. now, we've been waiting for l this. gutfeld? >> pelley is luckyel because you know it's going to be better than croft's interview of obama and hillary. that was a menagreep -- prois. >> it's so narly on this end of
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the table. >> i apologize. she told me to wipe my nose. >> all overt popcorn. >> i got an advance copy of pelley's questions.ey one, what do you think of katie perry dating john mayer? did she really get over russell brand? if you could have anyd animal talk, what would you ask it and which would it be? did you see the bachelor on monday? the guy is a virgin. that's crazy: can you look at this thing on my arm? is that a rash on bug bite. what did you do for your pecs? you're totally ripped. could you give had letter to hillary. it's poem i wrote about grasshoppers. you want to hang out after? we could catch a movie or stop at blockbuster. about benghazi, mr. president who pushedoc the -- just kidding. bottom line here is they -- i really think l that they should change the logo for "60nd minutes," and turn it into something else which better flects what they do.
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what do you think? >> you make a very good point. >> thank you. >> which one is this. >> how many times is president obama going to appear on "60 minutes"? this one i'm told by the producers, that the president alwaysy or this president the president, this president always -- with the network that's hosting the super bowl. it's cbs. guess what next year. fox is host the super bowl next year! >> will he do it? >> will he do it again? >> i think he'll do it again. >> you know what i think he should do, we would love for the super bowl for the presuper bowl interview, right there. what do you say bob? >> i think that would be a great idea. then he could bring a little daringer and put it in your chair. >> let me tell you something, that's not happening. >> does anybody really think a presuper>> bowl interview with thepp
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president of the united states ought to deal with benghazi? >> the fact is he did annual interview a week prior. "60 minutes" is the youin culmination of unbiasedti reporting that they put out all year. this is one week, two interviews. come on! >> the point is what hard hitting interviews has he done? he did entertainment tonight. does he rolling he did the new republic interview with a former campaign aide of his. that's where he trashed fox news. so he goes to these safe zones. i would likefo to see something serious and the audience is so large, yeah. talk about a global war on terror. >> and pimp with a limp. >> i never wanted my candidate too=fl =& hart hid. >> eric: how about the journalists? we have the president here. >> bob: that is the journalist's problem not the president's problem. >> eric: this is the greatest example of media bias. on wednesday department put out the gdp number for the
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economy. it shrank for first time. slapping or shrunk? >> greg: shrank is good. >> eric: shrank for the first time. abc touch it. watch what scott pelley doesn't. ... >> a shrinking economy spells did. >> this number will likely be ... >> correct me if i'm wrong we had the brain group research this. there's a big group of economists that worked for the department that come up with this number. scott pelley tells us he knows it's going to be right. >> every number out of that department gets changed. >> said don't worry. why worry people about it? i have been telling you this all week. >> sandy had a lot to do with this thing. a >> why do you keep bringing up sandy? >> bad experience with an ex-girlfriend bob, can't get sandy off the brain. >> this is basically forecasting
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what pelley is going to do another edition of 60 kisses and that's all h "e is going to get. he's not going to hit him hard on this. abc benghazi nothing. >> why? w >>hy? 60 minutes is a news program. it's not entertainment tonight. >> you watch the super bowl you want to see the president get dumped on? >> all of these billing issues in the words of hillary clinton what difference does it make. hypothetically the president had a son he wouldn't let him play football. he shouldn't be weighing in on the nfl decisions anyway. put out. >> more people in america was happy to hear what hillary clinton said to each other about their relationship than anything else. >> the rest of the country was throwing up. >> here's the weird thing.p. this guy is more over exposed than a nudist camp yet the more he talks the less you know about him. nobody asks the questions that america wants to hear. you just get all of this fluff. you come away more confused
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about who this person is. >> than before. >> is that why he has a 60 percent favorable rating? >> for two reasons one because the media basically de cans publicity. he won. it's a natural feeling to like somebody after he won. >> you can't dispute there is a severe media bias especially with the mainstream media and especially lately with cbs. the political director recommended president obama declare war on the gop. >> i think that's right. but that's good news for him, isn't it? >> is that the journalism? >> the problem is the government -- >> get better journalists. what's the problem? >> he says so what what difference does it make? i like obama i would like to see him be successful. >> good point. if you want him to be successful criticism helps him. the fact is he is not a successful president because the
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media doesn't hold his feet to the fire. >> 60 percent is pretty successful. (talking over one another) >> puts fox news front and center on the map it is proof that mainstream media has given president obama an easy go of it. you need balance to see the other side of the story. >> it's a badge of honor. fox news presents both sides of the story the other side just takes the obama talking points so he would do some good to actually come on fox news. here we are face to face. >> bob help -- hold on bob. hold on. if president bush wouldn't have gone out and done any tough interviews the liberals would be going crazy if he did entertainment tonight. >> stop bringing him up here. >> do you let him play football? >> not my more. we play touch football.
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he's still delicate. >> ahead on "the five" are commercials like these two hot for -- too hot for air with kids watching? the racy ads popping up on sunday's game. you know how painful heartburn can be. for fast, long lasting relief use doctor recommended gaviscon®. only gaviscon® forms a protective barrier that helps block stomach acid from splashing up- relieving the pain quickly. try fast, long lasting gaviscon®.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: last week, two ers a >> two workers at a food distribution company that were caught stealing 65 grand in chicken wings. who knows what they planned to do with the poultry. perhaps build a yerk out of chicken. don't laugh. greg jerrett lives in one. prices for apps are sky rocketing and they may be to blame. according to the chicken coin sill they used fewer birds due to record prices for chicken feed ie corn. corn costs more because the government requires 40 percent of the crop be turned into fuel
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ie ethanol. some might blame the villain i still blame climate change for jasper. you can also blame obama except that ethanol subsidies were around before him. given food prices are rising and 50 million americans are food insecure it's time for the president to stop this madness. pricey chicken hurts the poor more than any one watching the game. toxic thinking that earth comes before earthlings which puts gas tanks before human mouths. the edible equivalent of copper wiring what it makes to take a few extra bucks. maybe it's chicken. sundays game why not try new snacks. buffalo environmentalists. think how much corn in arugula. >> sorry. >> can't apologize for advocating eating environmentalists. that was disgusting and
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apauling. >> i thought you were going to say chicken hurts poor people. >> it is. >> both bush and obama pumped a billion and a half in grants and loans into this industry. united to admitd -- you have to admit that's madness. >> you know every year the griesz up before the super bowl on chicken wings. it's a conspiracy. >> bob -- >> it is. last year the same thing happened, the year before. >> the critics of bush said it was going to happen. >> because you are a sore loser. >> no. the last three years the price of chicken wings have gone up before the super bowl. >> chicken in general is going up. >> iffed in general is going up. >> there's no chicken wing conspire. >> are you going to eat that right now? >> what does it look like? >> it looks like it is falling apart. >> can you please not eat? >> only touch one at a time.
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>> not because of that. >> let's talk about the chicken thing. why bick enprices go up before the super bowl. >> why does gasoline go up in the summer when people drive more. demand. >> okay. there you go. that is what i was talking about. >> that's actually not true but food prices in general are going up. do you know gerwe are going to consume -- bob said it's not true. you what you said is true. what bob said is not true. he said before the super bowl they go up. you know how many wings gerwe are going to consume? 1.32 billion that's enough times to go from the ravens stadium wing by wing to the 49ers stadium 27 times. >> why would anybody do that. >> why would any one sit there and count how many wings it would take. >> i want to talk about al gore who has had an awful week. all of the allies he went to visit all of the talk shows
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they are tired of the scam artists. roll tape. >> here is the guy who just sold current tv to al-jazeera who gets an undetermined amount of funding from the country of qatar which gets it's funding from oil reserves. isn't there a contradiction in that. >> i certainly understand that criticism. >> you had an opportunity to make a statement probably about your principles and some people would feel and for me as well. >> i thought it was an odd move. >> what does it mean al-jazeera. >> i am not sure i don't know. but i don't know. >> i can google it. >> you al gore are doing business with this country that is enabling your ultimate foe of climate change. >> i think i understand what you are getting at. >> it seems eric the only friend al gore has is his mess sues. >> why do you say that?
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>> i think al-jazeera means 100 million shares of my own. >> how many moneys of millions of dollars. he pulled the wool over everybody's eyes. >> how is it a bad week? >> what is wrong with making $100 million in a deal. what's wrong with that. >> because he's a hypocrite. >> time-out. time-out. i said from day one on this show five or six times on this segment i have no problem with him selling current tv for 100 billion in he wants to. he came up with the idea he sold it. my problem is all of the money he made in investing climate is funding companies that were getting a lot of money from the government in green energy loans money that probably wouldn't have gone to those problems -- >> if cat wasn't working nobody is buying these chicken wings. they are too hot. >> they are super spicy but they are good.
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>> everybody is beginning to realize it and it's over for him, go on a houseboat an paint? >> no. because he is getting paid. he's a smart businessman. i don't be grudge him. i don't like the fact that he sold it to al-jazeera. that's capitalism. he game up with an idea. i am not finished. >> you can spend all of the time talking about how evil the companies were and how they are be holden to oil companies. >> he advocates tax payer dollars to go to the green energy companies. >> you can beat him up all you want raised climate change. that will haunt you. you all believe it doesn't exist. it exists. >> how many -- >> (talking over one another) >> actually want to give the media some credit for asking him the tough questions. matt lauer asked him a tough question, letterman asked him a tough question.
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it is pretty shocking. >> what does al-jazeera mean? >> isn't it hypocritical. >> i think john stewart even including himself thought this was odd. we have to take a break. don't ever bring chicken wings on to the table. >> you haven't had one. you are jealous. >> how can you eat 5 in 10 seconds. >> i hate four, one to go. >> got them from a puerto rican outlet. >> don't embarrass puerto ricans. >> i think they are great. >> is a kiss just a kiss or is it something kids should be watching during the super bowl. one nerd scores big with a model. ♪ ♪
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>> should the super bowl be rated r this year? there are super hot ads like this one from go daddy that features a super model making out with a nerd. >> there are two sides to go daddy the sexy side represented by this super model and the other side represented by walter. together they are perfect. >> there you go. >> how many takes -- bobby said
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this would have been 100. >> he said he would have died right there. >> but he is getting really red. you can tell fizz logically he's having a response to it. >> i think he looks like that normally. >> let's get perspective andrea from the super model and then we will get your reaction. >> here she is on "the today show". >> did you have any second thoughts about doing this? i don't mean with jessie i mean in general? >> you know, it's a funny thing because i actually had this very strange dream that all of my friends know about it i wanted to go to a club somewhere filled with people look around choose the most -- the one guy that is most unlikely that i would ever kiss or pay attention to and go and kiss him in front of everyone so he will be happy and will remember it for the rest of i don't know the week. >> if i could be that guy.
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>> bob. >> there are a bunch of nerds in america that are still holding out hope. they are going to be in a bar this weekend thinking i hope she comes and kiss me. i think it's unsavory the sound effects while you are eating. i don't that's bad. >> wait what do you mean sound effects while you are eating. >> when you are sitting in a super bowl party and eating food and you have to see the close-up of their nose hair as they lock lips. >> you guys are such a bunch of prudz, prudes man. >> i think he's cute and she is obviously an incredible actress as well. >> she is a liar. she is about as likely to go into a bar and make jut with an ugly stranger as i am. you know what's weird about that commercial didn't it strike you as unnatural like two different species. it was like a cat mating with a giraffe. let's face it the reason why it was so odd is because it would
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never ever happen. you would never see anything like that in real life. my favorite super bowl ads are the proactive commercials. i tape them so i can play them backwards and watch them get pimples. they talk about how there are no differences between men and women and they are all the same. when you want to make money your first call is get a model with big breasts. >> let me tell you there is a lot of difference between men and women. >> who says there are no differences? >> they say that until oo you were married three times. >> i was not. >> we should never show an ad like this. let's see it one more time to see how bad it really is. all right. that's it. >> what are you talking about? what about cape upton? >> let's see that one again. >> that's a good one, don't you think? >> that's a good ad. come on. yeah.
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>> someone have a hose for bob? >> honestly. oh, man. mother of god. >> okay bob, take it easy. >> sorry. what are you doing? >> what about calling youror getting it all over your face. >> i would rather see the pc matic commercial. >> see, this is a good one. >> you probably went to the vegimatic commercial. >> bob you are losing focus. >> today we are shooting the commercial... >> there's an actress right there. >> girls are making millions and millions and millions of dollars. >> i love a free market. >> she was supposed to kiss that guy? >> i would give her 20 bucks. >> we will tell you how to plan
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a super bowl party. that's next on "the five." ♪ you know my heart burns for you... ♪ i'm up next, but now i'm sging the heartburn blues. hold on, prilosec isn't for fast relief. cue up alka-seltzer. it stops heartburn fast. ♪ oh what a relief it is! ♪
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>> a fox news lart. himenter chilleder. new details on a situation in alabama. they are maintaining an open line of communication with the suspect as efforts to rescue a little boy locked in an under ground bunker now stretched into the 5th day. jonathan? >> that open line of communication is in the form of a pvc pipe leading from the surface to a bunker with ventilation. the suspect jimmy lee dykes told
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authorities the 5-year-old hostage is being cared for. there's a heater down there to keep the bunk ir warm. dykes has allowed them to lower coloring books medications and toys for the boy through the pvc pipe. he was ab doukted from the school bus tuesday afternoon. the driver charles poland jr. tried to confront the gunman when he came on board demanding hostages but was shot to death. a large crowd is expected at the driver's funeral tomorrow so that 2:00 event will be held at the owe czar civic center to accommodate the crowd. the family is receiving a ground swell of report in this community which is still in shock over tuesday's event. the emotion captured in still photos we want to show you from a local photographer ricky stokes who runs his onus web site and was on the scene minutes after the fatal shooting. the community is grateful for the bus driver's heroic efforts to protect the children in his care. there will be a caravan of
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school buses arriving outside of the funeral as a show of support. jonathan reporting live for us. i am heather childers join me for much more news at the top of the hour. but right now back to the"the five." >> i have a lot of eating planned for sunday. hot wings, sausages maybe a walrus walrus, who knows. the inside of my stomach is going to look like a michelle obama nightmare. >> mine too, jimmy. the super bowl may be the biggest party day of the year. putting together a perfect one is keith. what is the best way to do it?
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you have been to a party or two or 700. mi advice? >> i tell you who you don't want to have there, you don't want any euro trash who are call football soccer. >> don't have anybody there who thinks they don'tknow about football but they don't and the other thing is have a good dip. >> taco dip is the first day ithing i go for. >> 7 layer taco dip. >> what's the most must have. >> let's not kid around the wings. i also love nachos. >> shredded cheese or velvetta. >> if i can get the velvetta i will go for that first. i love pigs in a blanket. >> listen how excited greg is about this. he will be waiting up all night long. >> super bowl parties or party tips? >> most important for a super
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bowl is super bowl. keep your toilet fresh for your guests. >> you were wondering what -- what he meant about michelle obama nightmare. that means his stomach will look like sean hannity. >> i get kimmel's ad. >> when you said bowl i thought you were making a washington or oregon joke. >> toilet bowl. >> if there's enough hot food there will be a very busy place the rest room. >> another must you need a big screen tv. it has to be very, very loud. forget it if people say. make it loud. you want to hear the crowd noise. you need a lot of ice cold beer. just a lot of beer. >> corona with a live. >> hide the remote. don't let any one change the channel. >> you got the really good party boys. >> you have to be in charge of the remote control. >> you brought up beer.
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americans, get these statistics will consume 50 million cases of beer on super bowl sunday. 94 percent will be bud light, bud wires, coarse light or natis light. they will eat 30 million pounds of snacks that's 8.2 million tortilla chips and 14 million pounds of pretzels. >> anything you go for besides the taco dip? >> you ate a whole crock pot of this at dana's house. remember? you guys tweeted about it. >> leave the ball line. here you go. >> sounded delicious. i think it had velvetta in it. >> velvetta makes everything better. >> and chilly, too. >> can't wait to eat. coming up hangovers calling in sick lost productivity all things that happen the monday after the super bowl.
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should it be a national holiday? they want white house to do just that. we will discuss next on "the five."
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♪ ♪ >> kimberly: ie >> i love it. >> listen who is going to win this game. i will guarantee by the jersey i am wearing what is going to happen. there are a lot of people who drink on super bowl sunday. on a serious note a lot of them don't drink very well. this is not because i am a recovering alcoholic that i say this. i think a lot of it consumed and a lot by people who shouldn't be consuming. now there's a petition to make monday a national holiday. look at these figures for a second. there are 6 to 9 million workers expected to take off because they are probably hung over. 1.5 million called in sick in 2008 and 4.4 million people came in late in 2008.
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let me ask you let me give you my view about the day off. why do you take the day off going to fun nish people who are hourly workers because of a bunch of people got drunk. this is a commercial enterprise. you shouldn't have a national day off. martin luther king day that's an important deal. but the super bowl. give me a break. >> do we have any time left? i am teasing. i say this is a great idea. i love the idea of a day off. a national holiday the day after super bowl. it's america's day. >> what about the people that get paid houfl? >> why don't they rearrange the football schedule. >> what happened to you? why don't you rearrange the football schedule so maybe the game starts earlier and they can do it on martin luther king day
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it coincides. >> what you should do is do it on saturday. greg has been so into the show. what's your view about this? >> i agree with this. a national holiday for hangovers. in my household that's a sunday. if somebody called in sick because they were hung over i would fire them. i am not kidding. i would fire them. i have been drinking for 25 years i have never missed a day of work. the best thing for a hangover is to show up and to work through it because sitting around and sulking because you got a hangover makes you a wuss. why can't we have a day off when project runway has the finale. >> who are you guys. >> he's in purple. >> i havewhat do you have to say about a national holiday? >> if the 49ers win i am all for it baby. >> let me ask you this.
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>> what do you do for super bowl? >> i will be skiing all weekend long friends are having a party. >> don't you want to talk about -- (talking over one another) >> what are you doing? >> i have a party to go to with a lot of friends like i did last year. i made it to work the next day. >> what about you? >> i will be watching the game i am sure with my friends being the stuffed animal. usually sit up around the table we have tea and crackers and it's a lot of fun and cheap, too. >> and the other guys? >> you are such a hart you know what? >> i am not a hater. >> i will be at an awesome super bowl party and you wish you were there. >> i am going to be going to a very small super bowl party. looking forward to it. >> you and i have a bet. >> the lose erwins the belly shirt. >> i never agreed to that.
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>> i got drunk last night and got a tattoo. >> no you didn't. >> you think they are going to win the game. >> he means belly sheet. >> i might change to the 49ers. >> the bet is you give me 7 points. >> i want to see you in a belly shirt. >> you know who i want to win? i don't have a horse in this race. this is how every woman, very scientific this is how i choose my team. the cuter coach. take a look. >> they are twins. >> the ravens coach john much cuter than the 49ers coach. >> what are you talking about? it's him all of the way. >> looks like your boyfriend that's what you are saying that. >> 49ers are going to win. >> 49ers by three runs. >> who are your favorites. >> that explains the purple sweater. >> 49ers all of the way. i have been a huge 49ers fan
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since i was a little girl going to canneder stick park with my dad. >> first lady? >> what happened fall from grace four years. >> you were married that long. >> what? >> were you married four years? >> i was married 5 years. >> now he is lieutenant governor and you are here with us. >> one more thing. what's up next?
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>> eric: already t for >> time for one more thing, greg. >> i want to wish a happy birthday to my pal greg was a great man and i give my best to his family as well. >> pioneer. conservative movement. i agree. >> video with a cute little dog and mail from the postal worker. >> there you go. go give it to him. that's all i got. >> have a nice day. >> go give it to him. >> give me my mail. >> best part of my day. >> it's a bill. >> don't you think that appeals to the postal worker? the postal worker says it makes
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his day. he is so cute this is how he does it. we are going to train jasper to do this. deliver our scripts. >> there is no jasper. >> it is a fabrication. >> casper. >> it happened on thursday you got to change the cal ger to-- calendar to february. >> oh my gosh. it looks like he has the underwear on. >> now you have reasonable pictures. >> the january has the dog sitting up. >> we thought at first it was a pair of underwear. >> we were like what happened. >> puppy porn. >> we thought somebody photo shopped nasty pants behind jasper. >> ang, you are up. >> remember the movie "the blind side with the due wetuoy family with michael ore.
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the real michael ore plays for the ravens. he will be playing this weekend. the first ever super bowl. in 2001 that was the last time the ravens were in the super bowl, ore was only in 8th grade and he wasn't even adopted by the tuoy family. here they are on "the today show". >> this is the cherry on top of the sunday. you see your kid week after week playing and grinding it out knowing that's the ultimate goal and to finally get here you are like oh my gosh. >> there were so many challenges and opportunities with two other kids. it became part of a big bowl of gum bow. >> another reason why i am rooting for the ravens. kiep getting more reasons. >> that is a great story. that is a wonderful story. >> so many people pulling for the ravens. >> now i feel bad about -- >> not because of ray lewis. >> i am wearing ray lewis'
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jersey. >> why would you wear ray lewis' journal see. oo -- jersey. >> did you hide it for him later. >> do you think the deer antler stray is a big controversy? >> i do. the deer antlers -- spraying deer antler extract. >> i didn't know that. >> maybe you should check more facts on who you worship. >> i think we have missed an opportunity today that is one that we went over something too quickly. one more thing i would like to see once again the go daddy go commercial. >> oh, please stop. make it stop. >> the smart side creates a killer web site for your small business represented by walter. together they are perfect.
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>> you know what eric said, it was fine until that last close in shot. he didn't want his kids to see that. there was tongue. >> stop it bob. >> never going to watch the show again. >> my mother is not going to watch this show again. >> why, just because you saw that tongue thing? >> we don't need to see that 6 times. >> this is the new generation. seth rouge and jonah hill the nerds have risen up. what about the paris hilton video. >> i don't like to watch pda close-up. or period i don't like to watch it. >> saturday morning 11:30 central. we call out washington. that's it. >> kitty over flacco sunday. rightbob?


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